We’re excited for 2023, and we think this year will be an exciting one for digital marketing. Digital marketing strategies are evolving. For example, Google is still on its toes as it works to prevent marketers from gaming its algorithm. And while companies like Facebook and Twitter struggle with how to handle their users’ privacy concerns, a new generation of platforms has emerged that are designed specifically for marketers. Consider this your guide to how the world will look different this time next year—and what you can do today to get ready!
READ: What is SEO / Search Engine Optimization?
1. A (brief) return to the genius of keyword research
Keyword research is one of the most important techniques to use for SEO and content marketing. When done correctly, keyword research can help you understand what your audience is looking for and how they want to find it. This understanding will lead you to create better content that resonates with your readers, improves their experience on your site and helps them find what they’re looking for.
It starts with knowing which keywords are relevant to your business or industry, then finding out what people search Google using those words in order to find solutions relevant to them. Next comes identifying which of these keywords have enough search volume that they could produce measurable results if you optimize around them (and where there’s demand).
READ: 9 Best Steps to Find Perfect Keywords in Under 1 Hour | Proper Keyword Research Techniques
2. Advanced data analytics for everyone
You’ve seen the numbers: analytics is a big deal in digital marketing, and it’s only getting bigger. With the proliferation of data tools and data science jobs, it’s clear that businesses need to get serious about understanding their customers in order to compete.
But what does this mean for you? Well, if you’re currently using analytics only as a measurement tool—to see how many people visited your website or opened your email —you might be leaving money on the table (or worse). To truly harness your data, consider how you can use it across all areas of your business: customer experience, product development, marketing performance and customer service.
A lot of businesses think that analytics is just about measuring what people do. But it’s not just about measuring: it’s about understanding why they do those things, and how to use that information to create better experiences for your customers.
So, how can you use your analytics to create better experiences? Here are three ways:
- Use analytics to understand your audience. Analytics can help you understand who your customers are, what they like and don’t like about your product or service and how they interact with it. For example, if you know that 90% of people who visit your website immediately leave because of a broken link on the homepage, then you can fix that problem instead of losing more money on ineffective marketing campaigns.
- Use analytics to understand how people interact with your product. Analytics can help you understand what parts of your product or service are most popular with customers and which ones they aren’t interested in. This can help inform future development efforts so that you build features that customers actually want instead of wasting time and money on things they don’t care about.
- Use analytics to understand how people interact with your brand. Analytics can also help you understand what people think about your business and how they perceive your product or service compared to competitors’ offerings.
If your competitors are outperforming you in terms of sales, then they may be doing something differently than you. This is useful information, because if you know what they’re doing better than you (and why), then it might be possible to emulate their success.
READ: Website User Research: Simple Steps for Finding What Your Audience Wants and Needs
3. Funnel reporting becomes king (and queen)
The funnel is the most important part of your marketing strategy. It starts with a prospect, who turns into a lead, and then becomes a customer. Each step in between can be measured by funnel reporting, which gives insight into where customers drop out of the process and what you could do to keep them moving forward toward purchase.
The usefulness of this kind of data has been increasing since its inception more than a decade ago—and we think it’s going to become even more important in 2023. As digital marketing becomes less expensive (thanks to AI), it’s critical that marketers measure every step along their funnels as closely as possible, so they know just how much impact their efforts are having on sales growth or customer retention rates.
These days, everything happens in real time—so it’s worth investing in software that automates this process so you can stay on top of your data and make sure your marketing efforts are paying off.
It’s also important to keep an eye on the competition. You can’t afford to let them get ahead of you, or else your business will start to lose ground. By using funnel reporting software and other analytics tools, you can identify where your competitors are making mistakes and capitalize on them by focusing on those areas in your own marketing initiatives.
4. Organic search is back, baby
It’s no secret that organic search has always been important. But the way we use it, and the ways in which businesses are using it, has changed dramatically since the days of keyword stuffing and link building.
For decades now, SEO has been seen as a shortcut for getting your website ranked high on Google’s first page (and then hopefully converting users into leads or sales). But when organic rankings are so easy to manipulate via paid ads—and when not all consumers visit these sites from Google—it becomes difficult to justify investing heavily in organic search alone.
That said, there are still many reasons why you should be looking at how your content ranks organically:
- If you’re a small business with limited resources (or if your budget is tight), you can’t afford not to invest in SEO. It’s still by far one of the best ways to reach customers who aren’t actively searching for something like yours but might be interested in what they find anyway—especially if they’re already familiar with your brand name and/or industry niche.
- If you’re a large business trying to connect with potential customers on Google, search engines like Bing and YouTube, can be equally beneficial; those companies may have less visibility but could still drive potential revenue through their own channels.
5. Brand presence is restored
As we enter into the new year, one thing is clear: we need to get back to our roots. Brand awareness should be one of your top priorities in 2023. The value of brand recognition is undeniable, as well as the importance of brand loyalty and reputation. Consumers are seeking out companies that they trust, and when they do find them, it creates an incredible opportunity for those brands to grow their business through customer advocacy efforts like referrals or social media sharing.
We’ve seen some major shifts in consumer behavior over the past few years—a shift away from traditional marketing tactics like TV advertising toward digital channels such as social media platforms; however, these changes aren’t new anymore—this trend has been happening for quite some time now!
6. AI and ML make your life (and your marketing) better
You’re probably already familiar with the basics of AI and ML (machine learning), but here are a few things you might not know:
- They can help you make better decisions. Machine learning allows your analytics to learn from past data and apply that knowledge in the future. For example, if your business finds that customers who buy two widgets also tend to purchase a third widget within three days, then machine learning will automatically tag those customers for later automation or retargeting strategies.
- They can help automate repetitive tasks like manually tagging users in ad campaigns based on shopping history. This frees up the time needed for more important tasks like strategizing how to get those same customers back into stores through personalized messaging campaigns and sales promotions.
- They can help find insights from data sets too big for human brains alone (like millions of unstructured documents). Machine learning algorithms use statistical models trained on historical data sets as well as domain knowledge about certain industries/industries within an industry category/etc., which means they can process billions (or even trillions) of raw bytes per second without getting bored or distracted by cat videos on YouTube!
AI and machine learning are leveling the playing field for all marketers. If you’re looking at adding AI and machine learning into your mix, check out Anodot.
7. The rise of the content hub
The content hub is a content marketing strategy that allows you to create a single destination for all your content and optimize it for SEO. A successful content hub strategy will increase traffic to your site, which means more leads and more sales.
Content hubs are usually structured around an evergreen topic or theme, such as “How To’s” or “Top 5’s.” This makes them easy to create over time as you have a lot of groundwork done before starting on the writing process (e.g., keyword research).
Here are some tips to help you start building your own content hub:
1. Start with your audience in mind. Find out what they want out of their content and what their pain points are. You can do this by asking them or by doing some research yourself (e.g., surveys, interviews).
2. Brainstorm topics and write about the most popular ones first. You can use your research to help you come up with topics, but don’t stop there. Keep brainstorming until you have a list of at least 10 different ones. Then, go back through and prioritize them based on which ones your audience will care about the most (i.e., what they want).
3. Create an outline for each topic and write down ideas for each section. This will help you keep your content organized and consistent. You can also use this outline to create sub-topics within each section if necessary (e.g., if one section of your content hub is about “How To’s,” you might have a sub-topic for each individual “How To”).
4. Write your content. When you’re writing, include an introduction (that includes a hook), body and conclusion. This will help readers understand what they’re getting into before they even click on the link to read it.
If you’re focused on growth, 2023 should bring back some tactics that worked in the past. We’ll also see how modern marketing tools can help improve SEO and customer communication.
Here are some things you can expect to see in 2023:
- Keyword research is back. Keyword research will be more important than ever, as businesses seek out new ways to gain traction in their niche.
- Data analytics (aka SEO) will get better. The tools and strategies behind SEO are continuously evolving, which makes it an exciting time for those who love this type of marketing.
- Funnel reporting is here to stay! Funnel reporting has become a standard practice thanks to its ability to help companies understand how each step of the buyer journey impacts conversions and revenue growth for different customers segments, products or services offered by them etc…
- The importance of content marketing will continue to grow. Content marketing has become a staple in most digital strategies because it is a powerful way to build trust and drive engagement with your customers. It’s also an excellent way to get more value out of the content you already have!
- The role of video will continue to grow. Video is still a very powerful tool for businesses and marketers, so expect it to play an even bigger role in digital marketing strategies in 2023.
- The importance of social media will continue to grow. Social media is still an important tool for companies looking to connect with their customers. As more data becomes available from platforms like Facebook and Twitter, marketers can use it to help them better understand what their audience wants and how best to serve it.
A Quick Digital Marketing FAQ
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is a broad term that refers to the use of digital platforms to market your business. Digital marketing can include social media, email marketing, video content, website design and development, search engine optimization (SEO), and more.
Types of digital marketing
Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses many different types of marketing tactics.
The most common types of digital marketing include:
Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO is a strategy that helps your website rank higher in search engines, so that you can reach more potential customers.
Search engine marketing (SEM): SEM is a form of paid advertising on search engines like Google and Bing. Instead of paying to be included in the results page, you pay per click or impression.
Social media marketing (SMM): SMM can help you grow your audience and increase engagement with your brand. It’s also good for lead generation and customer retention.
What are the strategies in digital marketing?
Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses a variety of strategies. The most common digital marketing strategies include:
-SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
-SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
-PPC (Pay Per Click)
-Display Ads
-Video Ads
-Social Media Marketing
The benefits of digital marketing
The benefits of digital marketing are many.
Digital marketing can help you reach customers wherever they are, so you don’t have to worry about them being in a brick-and-mortar store or having to call your business directly. This means you can offer products and services to people who might not otherwise be able to access them, which is especially important in today’s world.
Digital marketing also allows you to understand your customers better than ever before, allowing you to make better decisions about how best to serve them. You’ll be able to see what they like and dislike, what they respond well to, and how they prefer receiving information from you—and then use that knowledge as a guide for future campaigns.
And finally, digital marketing allows you to collect data about your customers’ behavior—what sites they visit frequently, what types of ads appeal most strongly to them—which lets you create more targeted messages that will resonate with those individuals more effectively than ever before.
We hope this list of predictions gave you a sense of what to expect from digital marketing in 2023. We’re excited about where the industry is heading, but we also want to stay grounded. The best way to do that is by remembering our roots—the fundamentals of great content and good customer relationship management are always going to be important. But if we can keep up with the trends while staying true to ourselves, we think we’ll have a bright future ahead of us.
If you’d like to discuss your digital marketing strategy, we’re here to help! Contact us and organize a free, no obligation discovery call to see how we can help you excel in 2023. Contact us at hello@bethesquare.com or call 833-277-8273.